EXECUTIVE -Exécutive/Exécutif

To be responsible for the internal operation of the Union.
To chair the meetings of the Union, to preside over discussion, to share pertinent information and explanations with the members regarding the issues and proposals being discussed by the meeting.
The President must temporarily abandon the chair to one of the vice-presidents if he or she wishes to take a position in debate.
To represent the Union in all formal matters.
To oversee the proper application of the Union's bylaws and to make sure that each officer of the Union carefully executes their duties and mandate.
To oversee overall Union activities.
To jointly sign the Union's cheques with the Treasurer and/or Secretary.
To instruct the convening of General Meetings, of Union Council meetings and of Executive Committee meetings.
To have the right to vote only in the case of a tie vote.
To sign the minutes of all meetings, along with the Secretary.
To sign the Union's financial statements, along with the Treasurer.
To be the official spokesperson for the Union (to the media, to the affiliated Union bodies, etc.
To sit ex-officio on all other committees of the Union.
In the absence of the President or in the case of his or her inability to act, the General Vice-President shall replace the President; is responsible for the proper handling of any particular file that the Executive Committee may attribute to him or to her.
Is responsible for handling the Union's grievance files.
Is responsible for handling the Union's files concerning health, safety and environmental issues on the job, as well as work-related accidents.
Is responsible for internal Union Communications (Union newsletter, flyers) and maintaining the Union website; works together with the President on the Union's outside statements (to the media, to affiliated union bodies).
To be responsible for the Union's financial administration and the handling of the Union's properties.
To ensure that all financial transactions are recorded properly in the appropriate accounting statement and registers as per the system established by the CSN or in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Canada.
To collect all Union dues and any monies owed to the Union.
To present to the Executive Committee, upon request, or at least every four (4) months, the bank reconciliation and the Union's financial statement.
To make all disbursements authorized by the Executive Committee and to sign cheques jointly with the President and/or Secretary.
To make available to any member, who so desires, the accounts ledgers as well as statements from the banking institution.
To deposit as soon as possible in the banking institution any funds on hand, and to send the appropriate amounts owed to the bodies to which the Union is affiliated.
To prepare the budgetary previsions, in collaboration with the Executive Committee, and to ensure their presentation to the Executive Committee, the Union Council and the General Meeting.
To prepare the annual financial statements at the end of the fiscal year and to ensure their presentation to the Executive Committee, the Union Council and the General meeting.
To be empowered, at all times, to disclose the Union's ledgers and all appropriate exhibits to the duly authorized representative of the Executive Committee of the CSN and to the Union's own auditing committee.
To take the minutes of each meeting and to distribute the minutes of each preceding meeting: to sign said minutes with the President and to enter them in a register.
To convene the meetings of the various Union structures in accordance with the present Constitution.
To make available to any member, who so desires, the register containing the Union's minutes, in the course of Union meetings.
To compose and send the Union's correspondence, keeping a copy of said correspondence in the Union's files.
To file and keep all the Union documentation and information.
To transmit at the Union's meetings all the information that the meeting is to be made aware of.
To send to the various bodies to which the Union is affiliated a copy of the Union's constitution, the names of the officers of the Executive Committee and any motions that the Union desires to submit to the convention of an affiliated body.
To jointly sign the Union's cheques with the Treasurer and/or President.
Is responsible for handling the Union's files pertaining to women's issues and human rights.