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Responsibilities of the Executive Committee


  1. To guide the Union's affairs.

  2. To determine the time and place of Union meetings and to convene when necessary the Union Council.

  3. To authorize expenditures set out in the budget, and whose maximum amount has been determined by the General Meeting; to check the Treasurer's accounting books and reports.

  4. In light of the priorities of the Union, and taking into account the available resources, to adopt budgetary projections for recommendation to the General Meeting.

  5. To ensure that the rules and regulations adopted by the General Meeting are respected.

  6. To set up any committee required to study, to discuss, to promote or to further the goals of the Union.

  7. To name people to represent the Union to the various bodies to which the Union is affiliated.

  8. To accept members.

  9. To receive member's complaints, to examine and dispose of them, in accordance with articles 14, 15 and 16 of the present Constitution.

  10. To receive and examine all communications and information submitted by the General Meeting to them, and to report back to the General Meeting.

  11. To abide by the decisions made by the General Meeting, which constitute a mandate to be executed on behalf of all of the members of the Union.

  12. To submit to the General Meeting any question or issue requiring a vote by the members.

  13. To present a report of the previous year's activities and accomplishments to the Annual General Meeting.

  14. To see to the temporary replacement of the President if he or she is absent for a short period of time.

  15. To authorize all the procedures and legal acts for the best interest of the Union.


Responsibilities of Union Council


  1. To ensure that the Executive Committee follows through on the mandates given to it by the General Meeting; it shall replace any Union officer or Union Delegate who resigns, is unable to act or is absent; and thus, until the following General Meeting; where an election shall be held to fill the vacant position(s).

  2. To elaborate on the policy and activities of the Union between General Meetings, especially those involving the Collective Agreement and inter-Union matters.

  3. To create and participate in the appropriate committees to see to the proper functioning of the Union and to elect the members to said committees.

  4. To name Delegates to represent the Union to the various bodies where the Union participates.

  5. To aid and assist in the preparation and execution of the General Meetings.


Responsibilities of the Auditing Committee


  1. To examine all revenues and expenses.

  2. To examine and authenticate the reconciliation of the banking institution account, the Treasurer's report, as well as all other financial accounts of the Union.

  3. To verify the adherence to the resolution of the Executive Committee, the Union Council and the General Meeting.

  4. Upon unanimous decision, to call a Special General Assembly.

  5. To prepare an audit of the Union's finances on a yearly basis.

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