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For information regarding the changes to the Concordia University Pension Plan please visit CSpace. Information such as a summary of changes, cost of membership, benefits, etc. can be found there.




Negotiations have concluded and the new Collective Agreement has been signed. Once we have the electronic version we will make sure to send it out to members and upload it to the CUSSU website. Please note that we no longer give out printed copies. The new Collective Agreement covers January 1, 2018 to May 31, 2021.




What is pay equity? The purpose of the Pay Equity Act is to redress differences in compensation due to the systematic gender discrimination suffered by persons who occupy positions in predominantly female job classes.


For more information regarding Pay Equity at Concordia University please go to:




Starting on the pay of March 17, 2017 union dues were increased from 1.3% to 1.6%. We understand that members were not happy about this, however, we had been informed that CUSSU has some of the lowest union dues our CSN representative has seen (most unions pay around 2%) and the cost of grievances has become quite costly as more are going to arbitration. The Union increased the dues in order to better support its members.




The seniority list is updated every two weeks at the same time as your pay stub by HR. This list will be available on Unity in the coming weeks.

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